Deer Island

Today my daughter and I took a stroll on Deer Island. We were in search of something new.

We embarked on our adventure taking the trail to the right. About 5 minutes into our walk and we came across a rafter of turkeys. We tried to walk quietly to get close enough to get a great picture, but I think they have great hearing. The turkeys heard our steps on the ground and went running towards the trees. I was able to get one picture of them through the branches of the trees.  The next animal we spotted was a tiny lizard on the side of the trail. My daughter loves lizards and can see
them a mile away.

The trail continued on around the island, but we decided to go as far as the "lonely tree". It stood tall all alone on the hill. When out of the trail we referred to it as the lonely tree since it was alone, but when we got back to the house I began thinking of it more as a strong tree. It takes strength to be able to stand alone facing the weather.

As we turned back to the car I took one last picture. It turned out to be my daughter's favorite picture that I had taken on the walk. A beautiful purple spear thistle was standing tall among the golden grasses. 

I am enjoying my little adventures in search of great pictures. I hope you are enjoying them as well.

