Bodega Bay Camping Adventure

Last weekend we went camping at Westside Park in Bodega Bay. Our site was perfect. It was located on the end of an aisle with only one neighbor, a great tree, and bathrooms close by. On top of that, it was located right by the water. It was perfect.....That is until the wind kicked up.

The only thing missing from this site was a windbreak. We were expecting it to be colder than we were used to but we were not expecting all of the wind.

Despite all of the wind, we ended up having a great time. We took the girls to the Bodega Bay Trailhead that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. It was beautiful. We hiked down to the beach and climbed the rocks. We could see the waves crashing on the rocks and jellyfish swimming in the surf from the top of one of the rocks.

The next day we woke to a beautiful view from our tent of a ship sailing by on the water. There were birds feeding in the bank of the low tide. When it got a little warmer we took the kayaks out for a spin on the water. While kayaking we got to see starfish and play at the beach. I was wonderful seeing our girls play in the water together.

We were later joined by some wonderful friends and finished our camping with a delicious dinner and smores by the fire.

More of pictures of this Lovely location can be found by clicking on the image below.


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